If you are like most people that have been in an auto accident, you probably think that the at-fault insurance company will take care of all of your medical bills. This may be so, but all too often they will not cover all of your auto accident bills. The at-fault insurance company wants to make sure that your bills are medically necessary. After all, the insurance company has limited monies and is a business that is made to make money. I would like to enlighten you just how you get your bills paid, and how you get your injuries taken care of with-out accumulating too many bills.
It’s pleasant to think that all your bills will just be magically paid, but you will soon realize once Mr. Postman delivers the first bill that you will need a game plan. Insurance adjustors are hard to get on the phone without getting their voicemail, and it may be difficult or seem impossible to get a return call from them. A typical bill from the emergency room that did a CT scan is $7,000. Wow! I’m sure the insurance company is just beating down your door to pay that for you.
This is when your own auto insurance policy needs to be examined. You have been paying every month to have auto insurance, but what does it exactly cover? If you are like the average Joe, you have no idea what it covers. Hopefully, you have what is called MedPay or PIP as a benefit on your policy.
In Colorado, by default you get $5,000 in MedPay, which covers medical expenses, regardless of who is at-fault. This benefit can help you out quite a bit, but you have to check your declarations page or call your auto insurance to see if you have this benefit. By law you have to sign a waiver to not have this benefit. I know, I know, the other insurance company said they will pay your bills and you don’t want to tap into your precious insurance because you are afraid that your premiums will go up. When you use your benefits that you have been paying for, your premiums will not go up. You have a right to use your MedPay benefits, even if the other insurance company said that they will pay your bills.
Let’s hypothetically look at a car accident situation where you are injured and your car is damaged. Most insurance companies are fair when it comes to reimbursing you for your car. I do recommend that you get several estimates, and if your car is totaled then get comparable prices in your zip code for the same type of car with similar mileage and condition. When it comes to the medical side of your case, it is imperative to go to a Denver auto accident doctor, a whiplash specialist, a chiropractor who treats accident injuries, and so forth.
A qualified Denver car accident doctor will produce detailed documentation of your accident and just how you were injured from your accident. This is very important, because the medical record tell your story, and you want as much of story as possible told. This comes down to how your life is affected due to being injured from someone else. Let’s say you go to the best Denver whiplash specialist and they fix you up good as can be and you accumulate $4,000 in medical bills.
What you might not know is that you are eligible for a bodily injury settlement. The at-fault insurance company will give you a settlement at the end of your treatment that will cover your medical bills and damages. Damages are in the form of lost wages and pain and suffering.
Most people need a good Denver personal injury attorney to get all of this settled, but some courageous people will settle on their own. Either route you take, we’ll will say that the insurance company settles your case for $6,000. If you have MedPay on your insurance, that $6,000 in your pocket, but if you don’t have MedPay, you only end up with $2,000 since you had to pay your auto accident bills.
In short, having good auto insurance will pay off for you. Check your policy now and add MedPay, it is not very much to have and can save you a ton of money if you are in a car accident. You may need a car accident lien in order to get your treatment, thus your settlement will end up paying your medical bills. Also, go to a well qualified auto accident chiropractor and get a good personal injury attorney on your side.