The hours and days following a car accident can seem like a blur. Your body aches, your mind is racing, and there are so many administrative details, such as the car insurance claim vying for your attention. Unfortunately, your health can take a much lower place than it deserves. The following seven benefits reflect our commitment to your wellbeing.
Benefit 1: We Put Your Wellbeing First
At our practice, good health is an excellent foundation for good living. Whether you see us in the aftermath of an accident or following a glowing review from a friend or family member, our focus is on helping you achieve the best health possible. In fact, a recent research study demonstrated that patients were highly satisfied with chiropractic care and tended to experience minor, short-term side effects if any.
Benefit 2: We Get to the Root of the Problem
Chiropractic care relies on centuries-old systems to properly align the spine and maintain neurological health. If you’ve been in a car accident, your neck and back nerves have been damaged. This results in altered sensations such as pain, “pins and needles” tingling, and other unusual feelings. It also results in muscular weakness, which makes moving more challenging. Chiropractic addresses pain and dysfunction by restoring optimal spinal alignment for healthy nerve function.
Benefit 3: We Look Beyond The Surface
Whether your injuries are visible, like a fracture or bruising, or invisible, like a concussion or nerve damage, car accidents are always traumatic and require medical care. Relieving your pain and other symptoms is one of the first things we do, but it isn’t our only focus.
When you come to our practice, we perform a comprehensive assessment. This always includes a lengthy conversation in which we get your perspective on your current and past health as well as your health goals. We don’t limit our shared discovery to a list of surgical procedures and prescribed medications. Since your health also includes your relational, recreational, and many other selves, we examine these areas with as much granularity as you need to excel in the domains that are most important to you.
During our physical examination, we examine you while moving because most of what you do during your life requires movement. We’ll carry out what many of our patients have called a highly detailed physical that you would expect at a doctor’s office. We’ll also observe you while walking, sitting, and standing to test how your nerves, muscles, and other body parts work together.
Benefit 4: We Support Our Practice With Research
At our practice, we’re in-depth researchers. We will only try therapy on ourselves or our patients after carefully reviewing the research literature and reports from other chiropractors. This is particularly true after a car accident when recovery is time-sensitive and depends significantly on our interventions. As a result, we rigorously analyze treatments using established scientific methods and other accepted means of medical inquisition.
You’re right if it sounds like this takes a lot of time. We spend hours poring over chiropractic and other medical journals for solutions to bring us all to the next level of good health. One of the most exciting things about being a chiropractor is the opportunity to embrace scientific discovery and live a better life. Whether you’ve been in a car accident or not, we intend to reach our peak conditions, and we’re taking you with us. This requires diligent study, reasoning, and strategy creation.
Benefit 5: We’re Transparent About Your Stats
While we could spend all day inspiring you and ourselves through our words, that would tell us little about your progress. Instead, we prefer to give you complete access to your test results, examination findings, and other statistics. We get excited when we see patients reach further, walk longer, and stand taller than before a car accident. Giving you your stats allows you to share in this joy.
Our transparency also provides you with valuable feedback and encouragement. By looking at your stats, you can see the effect of consistent treatment and exercise. You can also see how taking a break can affect progress and become inspired to reignite your effort.
Benefit 6: We Specialize In Communicating With Insurance Companies
One area that our patients have yet to look forward to after an accident is dealing with the car insurance company. Please understand us. Car insurance is a fantastic invention that has helped many optimally maintain their financial and physical health.
Insurance companies must follow complex and detailed laws. While these are meant to help you get fair compensation, they create multiple requirements for you. Fortunately, we know what insurance companies need to know and how to say it in language that helps you get the most benefit possible.
Benefit 7: We Transform Your Life
When you come to our practice, we go beyond restoring your health to transforming your life. Car accidents that result in spinal injuries impact quality of life much more significantly when compared to other types of car accident injuries. Even if you come to us with a spinal injury, we provide early and comprehensive treatment designed to maximize your health outcomes and, therefore, your quality of life.
Let Us Help You Benefit From Our Care
If you’ve been in a car accident, you have many decisions. While getting compensation for your vehicle is important, it means nothing if you don’t have access to healthcare that can maximize your recovery from the beginning. Visit our online appointment scheduler to start benefitting from our chiropractic team now.