Back pain comes in many forms and behaves quite differently from person to person. Treatments can vary from manual therapy to psychological. As a Denver chiropractor, my job is to figure out why a person is having back pain and figure out the best approach for that particular person. Each problem with the spine may require a unique approach, depending on the cause, which in some cases may be due to a vitamin D deficiency.

When treating a particular person, I believe a holistic approach is best suited for the most favorable outcomes. This approach must take into account all health related factors, including dietary and supplementation. Spinal related pain can come from a multitude of issues, further necessitating a holistic approach, these can include; long term muscles imbalances, degenerative joints, scoliosis, trauma, excessive regular postural stress, genetic factors, poor movement patterns, excessive phone and computer use, dietary choices, and as it shows in the literature, is related to Vitamin D deficiency (1,2,3,4)

Back pain is currently an epidemic, and the treatment of it is not so simple and straight forward. Attacking back pain from my perspective should encompass the possibility of a Vitamin D deficiency. The “sunshine” vitamin is lacking in most people, and in part is determined by your ethnic origin and lifestyle. Most people are stuck indoors during the prime hours of sun exposure needed to make Vitamin D. Another large factor is that when people are outside that they cover themselves in sunscreen, thus preventing the bodies manufacture of Vitamin D. Estimates (5) range  from 41.6 % to 82.1% of people are deficient in Vitamin D, and some studies have much higher numbers of people being deficient or insufficient.

The best way to determine if your Vitamin D serum levels are low is to have a blood test. This is an inexpensive test and can help determine how much supplementation is needed. Supplementation has been shown to decrease and in some cases completely alleviate back pain (6).

1. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2003 Jan 15;28(2):177-9.
2. Scand J Prim Health Care. 2011 Mar; 29(1): 4–5.
3. BMJ. 2005 Jul 9; 331(7508): 109.
4. Curr Rheumatol Rev. 2013;9(1):63-7.
5.  Nutr Res. 2011 Jan;31(1):48-54. doi: 10.1016/j.nutres.2010.12.001.
6. June 2008 issue of the journal Pain and Treatment Topics.

Trent Artichoker MS, DC
Doctor of Chiropractic

Denver Chiropractic, LLC
3890 Federal Blvd Unit 1
Denver, CO 80211
