Our Denver chiropractic office is located near downtown Denver, with easy access from I-25 or I-70. The clinic is in North Denver in the Highlands area, which is just North of Mile High Stadium. As clinic director and owner of Denver Chiropractic, LLC, Dr. Trent Artichoker is proud to offer his experience and professional care tailored to each patient that is in need. He has an extensive background, and he offers a wide variety of services.
At Denver Chiropractic, LLC we know that one approach or one tool is not the best fit for all. So, we offer a wide variety of services to help customize the care for the patients unique need and problems. We offer spinal manipulation therapy, extremity manipulation therapy, cold laser, ultrasound, graston technique, massage therapy, acupuncture, myofascial release, moist heat, electrotherapies, kinesio taping, whiplash care, cervical decompression, trigger point therapy, custom orthotics, and a great bedside manor.
Weather you have neck pain, back pain, a headache, or have been in a car accident in Denver, we at Denver Chiropractic are here to help you by giving you the best care that Denver Chiropractic has to offer. We take great pride in our reputation which is evident in our google reviews, yelp reviews, and other on-line reviews. If you have been suffering with pain, or simply want your body to perform better, we would love to help. Please call 303-455-2225 to schedule an appointment.
Author: Dr. Trent Artichoker