Being involved in an auto accident often results in an injury to some degree. While your accident may not have required an overnight in a Denver, Colorado hospital, there may be ongoing problems that you are dealing with now. It’s important to seek the assistance from a medical professional that can help you after the initial shock from the accident has passed. When you have all of that adrenaline and endorphins running through your system, it’s common for the body to mask its pain and injuries for the first 24 hours or so. Whiplash is a common injury that is caused by the fast movement of your head snapping backward and forward during a collision. It can lead to stiffness, pain, numbness and a whole host of other complications.
Whiplash Injuries
Whiplash can occur after an automobile accident, but you may also experience it from a sports injury, during a very vigorous amusement park ride, during a fall, trauma to the head or neck or from being assaulted. The tissue that is located in your neck can only extend so much. When you push them past their ability, this leads to tears and stretching of your tendons and ligaments.
Symptoms Related to Whiplash
There are symptoms that people commonly associate whiplash with. In addition to your neck feeling very stiff and painful, there may be some degree of numbness and weakness that you’ll also feel throughout your shoulders, arms and down through your legs. If you have severe enough whiplash, you may also experience disturbances with your normal bowel or bladder functions. Reoccurring dizziness and trouble with balance can also occur. If you experience visual disturbances, memory issues or trouble sleeping, it’s a good idea to seek immediate medical attention.
The Process of Diagnosis Whiplash
When you are checked out by a doctor, you will be asked a series of questions about how you incurred trauma to your head and neck. You’ll also be asked to describe the symptoms that you’re experiencing and their severity. While you may not need any further diagnostic testing to confirm whiplash, it may be necessary to have an x-ray, CT scan or MRI performed to determine just how much inflammation and damage has occurred. Many people experience whiplash during an auto accident and go on to feel fine in a few days. Treating your whiplash from home with ice and over-the-counter medications can help with the discomfort that you’re experiencing.
If you’ve recently been diagnosed with whiplash, you may be dealing with your discomfort for a few days or a number of weeks. The severity of your whiplash will really determine your outcome. If you’re dealing with a number of symptoms like weakness, pain, headaches or dizziness, our chiropractic staff here at Denver Chiropractic, LLC can help assess the situation. We’ll come up with a plan of care to help you deal with your discomfort while your body heals from the whiplash that you’ve experienced.
Contact Denver Chiropractic, LLC, for more information on Whiplash treatments and auto accident injury recovery.