To many times, we get calls here at Denver Chiropractic, LLC with a person on the line indicating that they were in a car accident in Denver, but the accident occured several months ago. At this point, it basically impossible to get you or the at faults auto insurance to pay for your treatment that you need.
It is common for auto accident injuries to be silent, and only to show up a week or two later. In the world of navigating a mix of auto injuries, lawyers, different doctors, ambulance rides, insurance companies, auto body repair shops, and pain can be intimidating to say the least. Who do you contact? What doctor do you see for your injuries? How long will I be in pain? How will I get my medical bills paid? How will my car get fixed?
Sooner or later, everyone will get into a car accident. Driving our cars is one of the most dangerous activities that we do on a day to day basis. Denver is rated as having one of top three worst driving conditions. There are approximately 3,000,000 rear end accidents every year in the United States. That is an incidence ratio of 1,172/100,000 people. In the Denver area alone, this means that approximately 5,860 people will be rear ended. It is estimated that out of the 5,860 people rear ended per year in Denver, CO, anywhere from 293 to 1,758 will have chronic pain.
Each occupant will respond differently in a rear end accident, but most likely you will be injured due to the unique set of forces that the occupant is exposed to in a car accident. We started noticing whiplash type problems with the introduction of the train. They termed people getting injured on a train, “railway spine”, which was due to the cars on the train linking with each other, which imposes forces on the human body that are highly likely to cause injury.
Our bodies are not meant to handle quick and sudden forces of acceleration. The quick force tears through muscles, ligaments, tendons, joint capsule, nervous tissue, and sometimes bone. You can be injured even though no damage is shown on your car, and it is well documented that vehicle damage has no correlation to occupant injury. Even though the insurance company will say other wise. Apparently they do not like to read research studies that counter act the bottom line.
Information is what will help you get through the mess of dealing with an auto injury. So, here is a list that I would like to expand on in further blog articles about your Denver auto accident.
At the scene of the accident;
1. Check for injuries. Call an ambulance when in doubt.
2. Call 911.
3. Take photographs of the scene.
4. Do not leave the scene before the police arrive.
5. Move cars to a safe place.
6. Make notes about specifics of the accident. Where you are at, circumstances, damage to vehicles, etc.
7. Get the other drivers information. Name, vehicle make and model, insurance info,
8. Get information from witnesses.
9. If you are injured, and not in need of an emergency room visit. Schedule an appointment with a doctor of chiropratic that is familiar and has special training in dealing with auto accidents.
10. You might need to consult a Denver accident lawyer, one who deals specifically with Denver accidents.
11. Do not make statement to anyone, but the police.
More to come…
Dr. Trent Artichoker MS, DC
Denver Chiropractic, LLC
3890 Federal Blvd Unit 1
Denver, CO 80211