Recent Posts
November 8, 2016
Are You Using The Right Pillow?
Do you often wake up in the mornings with neck or back pain and stiffness? Do you constantly fluff, poke, prod and flip your pillow to help find the…
February 1, 2016
Why People Hate Chiropractors
Unfortunately, most peoples vitriolic feelings stem from the long war on the chiropractic profession by the AMA. Fortunately, the profession has…
June 14, 2015
How to know if I have a good chiropractor?
Everyone likes to think that they have the best chiropractor. Unless you’ve been to a number of chiropractors, it can be difficult to know if you…
May 2, 2014
What Is The Difference Between Dry Needling and Acupuncture?
Physical therapists and Chiropractors who perform Dry Needling do not perform acupuncture. The training is quite different although it uses the same…
November 5, 2010